
Friday, June 22, 2018

This is my reading activity for this week called New boots!!!

This is my work for this week we had to read a book on our technology and gather the information and part of the story that relates to the questions so these are my answers to the question. I enjoyed doing it but some parts are just frustrating but I have finished and that is most important.

Friday, June 15, 2018

This is my pizza DLO

This is my pizza DLO that me and my friends did for technology this week and it was fun,cool,interesting because it was a different and new way of doing and making pizza to  me and my friends. The mozzarella cheese came out awesome, tasty and very stretchy. That experience will be cherished for life.

Friday, June 8, 2018

This is my world record

This is my world record that we did for about 3 weeks and it was amazing and fun. We had to create a world record of our self that was achievable and record able. I did some recording of myself doing it and also I'm sorry that there are other people in the recordings that are doing there world records. Us three girls went to pair up together and did videos together. Sorry that some videos are dark it's because it was about to rain and it was a cloudy day and that you couldn't see us properly. Sorry that we were arguing a little bit it was UN responsible of us to do that.We could cut any disrespectful stuff in the videos because we didn't know how to.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

This is my piece of writing (Explanation writing)

This is my blog post that I did this week and I did an explain piece of writing about rubbish and how rubbish can affect our land if we don't put our rubbish in the bin and it needs to stop or our world would look like a disaster and very disgusting. so what I'm trying to say is stop littering?