
Monday, March 4, 2019

Fee writing

On Monday morning we do 20 minutes of free writing whatever we choose. This is my writing that I have done this week. HOPE YOU ENJOY!!

He is a little boy
He looks like a homeless person
He might be living around on streets or anywhere that is not a house
He looks like he is sad
He has t-shirt on that looks like what people use to wear in the olden days
He probably might not have a family
He looks like he needs help
He looks like he hasn't had shower and hasn't eaten in awhile
He is most likely to be a boy that runs away from his family
He feels like he wants to be left alone
He looks like a that can't be helped
He probably might have people with him that's not his family
He probably might be a loner
He probably might be poor
image of the day

1 comment:

  1. What a sad poem Miria, I wonder what his dreams might be??
    I love that you have used a format from our "Are we there yet?" Unit. It works well for this picture and person. Well done.
