
Monday, April 29, 2019

Free writing

Today I´m back at school and starting off my day with a Monday 20 minutes free writing and I write about my sister and what she went through.

In the holidays my sister started to teethe and everyday it started to get worse and worse and even more worse so my family went to go to the hospital to see whats up with and apparently she is 1 out of 100 of people that something happens to them when they teethe. We´re at the hospital waiting for a longtime until a nurse comes to see whats happening and then we go out of the room and wait even more for the doctor to check on her properly. We finally got in a room with a doctor and we had to weigh her,check her ear, check her mouth and ect. the doctor had to give her some antibiotics and paracetamol  for her to get better so we went home and gave her some. The next day nothing was happening she was getting better so we kept doing it for another day. The next day my mum and dad decided to go to the hospital because they felt like something really was wrong with her so they went to the hospital and did their thing I didn´t really know what was going on because I was at home so rang them and they said that their in a room and they had to put a tube up her nose down her throat and into her stomach so they can feed her fluids because she was dehydrated and she refused to drink any fluids or food because her throat was sore. So they feed her fluids every 15 minutes so she stays hydrated. Now she might be able to get the tube out of her so she can come home because they can see some good results in her recovery. CAN´T WAIT

Image result for kawakawa hospital

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